First 3 Private Sessions for $265 (a $360 value)

What is the best way for me to get started at the studio?

We recommend our Introductory Package to everyone. The plans gives you three private sessions in either the Gyrotonic method or Pilates for a reduced fee. You can try one session in each type of exercise discipline we offer or take all three sessions in the same discipline.  This package also gives you an opportunity to work with up to three different instructors on our talented team.

Why should I start with private instruction?

The reason we recommend beginning with either one, two, or three (our Introductory Package) private instruction  is two-fold. First, we use your first few sessions as a way to evaluate the skills and/or challenges you are coming in with, gain an understanding of what your goals are, and observe how the exercises affect your body as no two bodies will respond exactly the same. Second, we use a variety of teaching methods at the studio including; verbal guidance, imagery, and hands-on cueing. With gentle touch we can help to guide our clients into a better form and sometimes into a place they can’t find on their own. Obviously, it becomes difficult for our teachers to teach in this way with more than one client at one time, which is why we suggest a few sessions on your own before attempting to join a semi-private, trio, or group class.  In this manner, you can have the experience of total attention from an instructor and get the guidance and support most beginners really need.

What is the next step after an Introductory Package?

Once the Introductory Package has been used, you can schedule your session as a standing appointment with any of our instructors. We have class cards for purchase in amounts of 5 and 10 sessions. Costs are dependent on your specific type of exercise plan.

I would like to sign up for a semi-private or trio class. What is the process?

Scheduling semi-private class and trio sessions must be approved by the studio.  Typically, we try to match clients with similar levels of experience and then work with them on finding dates and times that are mutually agreeable to all parties.  In order to sign up for semi-private sessions, we strongly suggest you take at least 10 private sessions in advance.  If you have never taken pilates or Gyrotonic , we require you to purchase an Introductory Package.

What are group classes and how do I sign up for one?

Group classes at the studio are on a first come, first served basis. Classes have a limit to the number of participants so we recommend you call ahead to let us know you will be joining the class. There is no pre-pay requirement so you can pay when you arrive for class. You may pay as you go for a class week to week or purchase a 5-session class package.

What is the difference between pilates and the Gyrotonic method?

Pilates and the Gyrotonic method are each complete systems of mind-body movement. Pilates is more linear and focuses on core strength, pelvic stability, building long muscles that are flexible as well as toned, and proper body mechanics and alignment.  The Gyrotonic method is three-dimensional and circular. It too strengthens the body’s core muscles from the inside out.  There is more focus on moving from a strong connection to the body’s energy centers and then trying to ‘release’ the body.  The Gyrotonic method develops increased functional strength and flexibility, while improving coordination, neuromuscular control, and re-shaping the entire body.  Pilates equipment uses a spring-resistance system while Gyrotonic equipment relies on weight and pulley systems.  Both exercise modalities increase abdominal and pelvic strength, help maintain or increase spinal integrity, and are adaptable to all body types and levels of experience.

How are the Gyrokinesis and Gyrotonic exercises different?

The Gyrokinesis exercise was actually developed before any of the equipment was made. It is a series of movements done on a stool and on a mat that provide a complete stimulation for the entire body. The Gyrotonic exercise is the equipment aspect of the system. A typical Gyrotonic session will include some Gyrokinesis exercises (usually done as a warm-up) before progressing on to an equipment for the remainder of the workout. We often ask our clients to do these Gyrokinesis exercises as their homework program between sessions or to take a weekly Gyrokinesis class so they can fine-tune the movements, which make up the basis of the system.

Can I do both pilates and the Gyrotonic method?

Many of our clients find both exercise modalities — the Gyrotonic method and Pilates — important to their workout regiment and engage in both exercises on a weekly basis. While both disciplines are different, they do complement each other and add variety to our clients’ workouts.  On the other hand, some clients choose one or the other for a more focused approach to their health and wellness goals.

Can I do this even if I am totally out of shape?

Absolutely! We are skilled at making the basics accessible to everyone and providing the right level of challenge to each of our clients. We have many pieces of equipment and an impressive repertoire of exercises to choose from. It is never too late to start from scratch when it comes to your body’s health. Our exercise program is suggested for regular individuals without any specific orthopedic or health problems. Please consult your physician before beginning any exercise program including ours.

How long do sessions last?

Sessions are generally 55 to 60 minutes.

What should I wear?

Wear something you are comfortable in. Exercises have you moving in many ways, so please wear something that will allow you to move as well as allow your instructor to see your body. We recommend clothes that you would generally work out in at the gym.  Shoes are not worn during the session; socks are optional.

What if I have an injury or physical restrictions?

One reason pilates and GYROTONIC have become so popular is because they are safe to do with almost any injury or limitation. We have worked with clients who have had hip replacements and other types of surgeries, have fibromyalgia, scoliosis, herniated and bulging discs, osteoporosis and osteoarthritis, radiation treatments, and other complications and/or restrictions.

However, it is important to understand that Chicago Northshore Kinetics instructors are NOT physical therapists. We strive to give you a good workout while taking care to avoid an injured area. Both GYROTONIC and pilates exercise modalities are great ways to continue rehabilitating and healing and strengthening your body after physical therapy or post surgery.  However, if you are in pain or injured please consult your health care provider first.

How often should I do this type of exercise?

We recommend practicing this type of exercise 2-3 workouts per week. However, that could mean coming in to the studio twice a week and then doing a homework program once a week on your own. It could mean a combination of Gyrokinesis group classes and Gyrotonic private sessions.  Or, it could be just pilates private sessions. Each person’s needs are completely different. What is important is that you participate in the activity a few times per week so your body has a chance to really assimilate the new information you are giving it. Doing anything only once a week gives your body six days to completely forget what it has just begun to learn and leads to a slow rate of progress and therefore more tendency to not stick with it.

Are your teachers certified?

Yes. Every one of our talented instructors is certified in either Pilates, GYROTONIC , or GYROKINESIS . Our Pilates instructors have gone through and completed a Pilates Method Alliance accredited Instructor Training Program. Our GYROTONIC /GYROKINESIS instructors have fully completed their training and are certified instructors of their systems.